Awesome XERO Shoes Sale

XERO Shoes is having an amazing sale! You can save up to 70%.

I just picked up 3 pairs of shoes from XERO because the sale is so good.

Here are the shoes I personally got. They are the Ridgeway, Prio Neo, and the HFS II.

XERO Shoes I Bought On Sale

You can click HERE or Scan the QR Code below to go to the sale. The sale is through October 22, 2024.

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We also participate in other affiliate programs, from which we earn commissions on qualified purchases.

When you purchase products through our affiliate links, we may earn a commission, but the price you pay is not more when you buy through our affiliate links. In some cases, you may get an additional discount when you purchase through our affiliate links.

I’m a big fan of XERO shoes, and I’ve been wearing them for years. Hopefully you’ll find a pair you love.

Trying a Normal Amount Of Caffeine Again

9 20 24

My bodyweight today was 76.4 kilograms.

Here’s what I did as a workout today at Crossfit Agoge.


Warm Up
Joint Prep

Movement Review and Warm Up

For Time:
25 Push Ups
20 Overhead Squats
15 Muscle Ups
10 Cleans
5 Rope Climbs

Trap Smash
BB Quad Smash

I finished the workout of the day in 12 minutes and 28 seconds.

Today was a good day. I upped my caffeine level to 6 tablespoons from 3, and I did enjoy the experience. That being said, I don’t plan on keeping it at 6 tablespoons. I am excited about how I felt getting better sleep and feeling less stimulated while having less caffeine, and although I’ll continue with 6 tablespoons per day through the weekend, Monday I’ll be reducing intake again.

I slept about 9.5 hours last night. I was glad it was only 9.5 hours after sleeping 10 the night before. I’m hoping as I reduce my caffeine, I won’t feel the need for as much sleep. I think my body is requiring more recovery time because there’s not as much caffeine blocking my adenosine receptors, and as a result, my body is trying to catch up on deeper sleep.

I’ve been more productive this week and feeling overall better, even though I’ve reduced my caffeine intake, and I’m excited about where I can take this. It feels good to be more free from caffeine.

Here’s what I ate today.

I also used this amazing soap today, and I’ve made a review video about it. You can scan or click the QR code below to buy some, and watch the video to see if it’s something that might benefit you. I personally used it because of a skin condition called Tinea Versicolor. The video will make it make sense.

3 Days At Half Caffeine Makes A Difference

9 19 24

My bodyweight today was 76.4 Kilograms.

Today was a great day. I did feel a little concerned because I slept 10 hours last night. I was concerned because I’m wondering why I would need so much sleep. I’m hoping I will need less going forward as I continue my caffeine experiment. That being said, my nerves feel better with less caffeine, and I have less body pain overall.

Here’s the workout I did today at my local CrossFit gym.


Warm Up
Running Warm Up

Banded Hamstring Floss
Calf Stretch

For Time:
Run 800
Row 500
Ski 200
100 Double Unders


Weakness Work

I finished the workout in 8 minutes and 58 seconds.

Here’s everything I ate today.

Although I will have more caffeine tomorrow, I’m hoping the experience of having more will help me know what to do about caffeine next.

2400 to 2500 Calories Per Day Is My Average For The Last 2 Days

9 18 24

I’m feeling pretty good today overall. I took some time to stand in the sun, and I ate very similar to yesterday.

Below is exactly what I ate today.


I worked out at our local CrossFit Gym, and below is the workout we did.


Workout of the day

Warm Up
CrossFit Warm Up

DB Squat Snatch

As Many Rounds as Possible in 10 Minutes
12 Dumbbell Squat Snatch (Right Arm)
12 Dumbbell Squat Snatch (Left Arm)
10 Burpees
8 Toes to Bar


DB Raises – Front, Lateral, Rear – 2x 8 Each with a 5 Sec Pause at the Top
First Rib

I completed 3 rounds plus 22 reps with a 25-pound dumbbell as my weight.

It’s 10:35, and I’m feeling a little tired, but good. I do feel a little soar, and I can feel the caffeine I had today from the 3 tablespoons of Yerba Mate I had in my tea. Overall, I’d say my mood is slightly better than yesterday. I think that’s partly because I’m working on improving, and I did better today than yesterday.

I published and edited a review video, and I got up when I planned to today, around 8:10 AM.
My son was in a bike accident today and was hit by a car. Thankfully, he is doing good.

In my food diary today, you’ll notice I used some minerals, which happen to be electrolytes. Scan or click the QR codes on the site to have a look at them.

We participate in the Amazon Associates program as an Amazon Influencer, which provides a means for us to earn fees on qualifying purchases by linking to and affiliated sites.

We also participate in other affiliate programs, from which we earn commissions on qualified purchases.

When you purchase products through our affiliate links, we may earn a commission, but the price you pay is not more when you buy through our affiliate links. In some cases, you may get an additional discount when you purchase through our affiliate links.

Eating Meat and Drinking Tea

9 17 24

Today I’m starting something new. A journal for me, which is also for you.

I’m going to be posting about what I’m doing and revealing results of what I’m trying, along with images and videos.

Here’s where I’ve been:

I’ve been eating about 1 pound of beef per day and having approximately 6 tablespoons of Yerba Mate made into a tea almost every day.

Lately I’ve been reducing the amount of tea I have on some days to half the amount. It’s not easy, but it’s easier than having no tea. I am considering the possibility of no tea on some days to see if it seems worth going to no tea at all.

I’ve been doing CrossFit workouts roughly 3 to 4 days per week for some time, and I’m about to take a break from CrossFit to do my own routine. I’m excited about what’s possible.

I can’t do a back flip at this time, but I recently got some backflip training from a gymnast, and I will be getting more training to see if I can get the back flip.

I Feel Better Than Normal Today

I may feel better because I’m excited about change, but it could have something to do with only having 3 table spoons of Yerba Mate today.

I meditated and said my prayers in the sun, which is something I do pretty regularly. Winter is coming, so let’s see how long I can keep that up.

I’m looking for an overall life change, and I’m excited to see how it works out.

Regarding Diet and Working Out:

I’ll be posting what I did and if I’m improving or not. I’ll do my best to show what I’m eating and also reflect how I’m feeling so there’s a reference to track improvement or lack of improvement.

So far today, I’ve had 3 tablespoons of Yerba Mate tea and 1/2 cup of heavy whipping cream.

Below is the whole day of eating:


It’s towards the end of the day. I probably won’t eat anything else, but if I do, I’ll update here tomorrow.

Feeling pretty good as of 11 PM tonight. I think part of that is that I had 3 tablespoons less tea than yesterday. I’ll keep you updated.
