2400 to 2500 Calories Per Day Is My Average For The Last 2 Days

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I’m feeling pretty good today overall. I took some time to stand in the sun, and I ate very similar to yesterday.

Below is exactly what I ate today.


I worked out at our local CrossFit Gym, and below is the workout we did.


Workout of the day

Warm Up
CrossFit Warm Up

DB Squat Snatch

As Many Rounds as Possible in 10 Minutes
12 Dumbbell Squat Snatch (Right Arm)
12 Dumbbell Squat Snatch (Left Arm)
10 Burpees
8 Toes to Bar


DB Raises – Front, Lateral, Rear – 2x 8 Each with a 5 Sec Pause at the Top
First Rib

I completed 3 rounds plus 22 reps with a 25-pound dumbbell as my weight.

It’s 10:35, and I’m feeling a little tired, but good. I do feel a little soar, and I can feel the caffeine I had today from the 3 tablespoons of Yerba Mate I had in my tea. Overall, I’d say my mood is slightly better than yesterday. I think that’s partly because I’m working on improving, and I did better today than yesterday.

I published and edited a review video, and I got up when I planned to today, around 8:10 AM.
My son was in a bike accident today and was hit by a car. Thankfully, he is doing good.

In my food diary today, you’ll notice I used some minerals, which happen to be electrolytes. Scan or click the QR codes on the site to have a look at them.

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